Monday, January 11, 2021

Betta Fish

While you might get the impression that betta fish can live in small, empty aquariums from viewing them in tiny cups in pet stores, this is far from the ideal environment. To stay healthy, betta fish need several environmental enrichments in their tanks including a day-to-night light cycle.

Light in a Betta Fish Tank

Whether it's a betta fish or any other type of fish, it's important to provide a habitat in your tank that approximates a fish's natural conditions. Maintaining proper water temperature and PH balance, a species-appropriate diet and environmental enrichment like plants and items to hide or rest on all help to make a healthy living space. Lighting is another feature that can definitely improve, or hurt, your fish's level of well-being. 

Betta Fish

While you might get the impression that betta fish can live in small, empty aquariums from viewing them in tiny cups in pet stores, this is ...